Google Ads Account Suspension Case Study

I worked with Brandor to determine the reason for their Google Account suspension and to resolve the issue. I was able to find the cause of the problem, set up a new account for the client, and handle invoicing and payments on their behalf.

Brandor is the new name for a well-established brand ambassador company formerly known as Adform. Dedicated to the development of strategic branded merchandise programs, Brandor offers a comprehensive array of services to ensure businesses’ branding consistency in the long-term, and to generate greater awareness of brands in a creative and engaging way.

Up until 2021, Brandor had been running highly successful Google campaigns, however they then faced a sudden problem – their account had been suspended. Despite the team’s best efforts, they were unable to resolve the issue themselves. They finally decided that the best solution would be to call in professional help from an expert to get to the root of the problem and get the suspension of their account lifted. I was happy to get involved and to help the client get their account back up and running.

The Challenge

While Brandor had been able to run successful Google campaigns in the past, after 2021 they suddenly discovered that their account had been unexpectedly suspended. After looking into the reasons for the suspension, they were only able to determine that it was for a policy violation, but the nature of the violation remained unclear.

The Brandor team endeavored to contact Google on multiple occasions to get to the heart of the problem and to find a solution, however their efforts proved fruitless. Despite repeatedly communicating with Google, the suspension of their account remained in place. It was at that point that they decided the only option would be to get some professional assistance from myself to get the suspension lifted.

The Solution

When the client got in touch with me to get their account unsuspended, I was eager to assist. I investigated the situation in depth to determine the reason for the suspension and the specific policy that the account had allegedly violated. Eventually, I was able to find out that the problem that had resulted in the suspension was an issue with their payments profile.

Now that I was aware of the cause of the issue, I was able to get to work, putting an effective and relatively simple solution in place. I created a brand-new account for the client, setting up a completely new profile for them. Once this had been done, I then handled the payment and invoicing on their behalf to make sure that the same problem would not arise again.

The Result

Once the client’s new account had been created, it was approved by Google and was soon up and running without any difficulties. Since the creation of Brandor’s new Google account, the business has had two successful campaigns, both of which achieved good metrics and attracted large numbers of visitors to their website (more than 3000, in fact), with a strong click through rate (CTR) of 13%. Now that their new account is functioning perfectly, they can look forward to many more successful campaigns in the future to strengthen their brand.




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