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How To Hire A Google Ads Specialist

If you’re looking to hire a Google Ads specialist, then you first need to consider what that entails.

There are a few things you need to think about first, like affordability. And you also need to be sure that you’re clear about why you want to hire one and what your goals are.

In this article I’ll be looking at a few things to think about when you want to hire a Google Ads specialist. And that includes the pros and cons, the cost, what service is included and so on.

What are the pros and cons of hiring a Google Ads specialist?

There are pros and cons to hiring a Google Ads specialist and I’ve listed some of the main ones here:


– Is an affordable way to get specialist help to set up and manage your campaigns

– You get to work with someone who is fully dedicated to your ad campaigns

– You get an expert that specializes in Google Ads who has built years of expertise focusing on the platform

– Easier to contact and interact with than an agency


– They may not be able to help you with other digital marketing strategies like Facebook Ads and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What services are offered by a Google Ads specialist?

To hire the best Google Ads specialist, you need to be clear about the service that you require. This will also determine the rate that you pay for their services.

Here are some of the core services you can hire a Google Ads specialist for:

– Account audit

A Google Ads audit is an in-depth review of your campaigns. This could be to find opportunities to improve the ads or to find out why they are underperforming or to correct a specific issue. The audit will look at your campaigns, keywords, text ads, bid strategies, search queries and much more.

– Account research and strategy

You can also hire a Google Ads specialist to carry out some keyword and competitor research. They will use the latest research tools to find out what strategy your competitors are using and what keywords and ads they are running. And then they’ll carry out some keyword research to find the right ones for your business and then create a digital strategy.

– Campaign setup

Campaign set up is important if you’re new to Google Ads or if current ones are underperforming and you need new campaigns. This will first require some auditing and research as described above and then the set up. And that can be for any  campaign type including Search, Shopping, Display, Remarketing, Performance Max and so on.

– Campaign management

Many businesses looking for help with Google Ads, are already running ads. But often those ads will not be performing well and so hiring a Google Ads specialist may be helpful. The specialist will help with the management and will update keywords, ads, bid strategies and so on to improve the performance.

– Google Ads training

If you want to learn the Google Ads platform and manage your own campaigns, then you will need some Google Ads training. This will equip you with the skills to set up, optimize and manage your campaigns. And the training will cover the campaign types that are relevant to your business.

What experience does the Google Ads specialist have?

Experience is a factor to consider as you search for a Google Ads specialist. You’ll need to check how experienced they are and if they are relevant for your business.

Some things to check are reviews, case studies and testimonials. With case studies you’re checking to see who they’ve worked with and what performance they’ve been able to achieve for them. And with reviews you’ll be able to see how they are rated by many past clients for their Google Ads services.

Their experience will determine what you’re likely to pay for the services. And you’ll usually pay more for the most experienced Google Ads specialists. And I’ve listed below some rates that will help you see what you’re likely to pay.

What are the rates to hire a Google Ads specialist?

The rates to hire a Google Ads specialist depend on several key factors. These include experience, location, your budget and so on.

For Google Ads management, the rates start from about $500 per month up to about $2,000 per month for larger accounts. But this can be higher for accounts with many campaigns and that spend over $15,000 on ads per month.

To set up a new campaign, this starts from $300 per campaign up to about $800, and that could for a Search, Shopping, Display, or other campaign type. However, if you want to set up multiple campaigns, then you’re likely to get a discount for each extra campaign.

For Google Ads training costs, this will depend on your current level of experience and what you want to learn. And you’re likely to pay about $100 to $150 per hour and that’s about $700 on average for full day training.

For an audit, this starts from $450 one-off for a full audit of your account with recommendations. And it can go up to about $800 for larger accounts that have multiple campaigns and spend a lot each month.

What is your Google Ads budget?

Your budget will determine whether you should hire a Google Ads specialist or not. That’s because if your budget is too low, it may be best to learn how to manage ads yourself and not hire someone else, unless you plan to increase it in the future.

A monthly budget that is too low means you may not get much value from hiring a Google Ads specialist. The returns from the budget will not cover the expense of hiring someone to do the work.

But, it’s important to know that many businesses, including large ones, start with small budgets and then increase as performance improves. So, even if you’re a small business with a small budget but have plans to increase your spend over time and get more business, then you should hire a Google Ads specialist. They will help you create a digital strategy to achieve that.


Are you ready to hire a Google Ads specialist? I’d be happy to discuss your requirements so contact me to discuss and for a proposal and quote.

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    Hi, Mike Ncube is a leading digital marketing consultant who blogs about the best and latest digital insights. He writes about topics such as Google Ads, digital strategy, LinkedIn Ads, Email, SEO, Google Analytics and more. Reach out to him if you have any questions and subscribe to his blog to start learning.

    View all posts
Hi, Mike Ncube is a leading digital marketing consultant who blogs about the best and latest digital insights. He writes about topics such as Google Ads, digital strategy, LinkedIn Ads, Email, SEO, Google Analytics and more. Reach out to him if you have any questions and subscribe to his blog to start learning.

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