60 Minute Google Ads Consulting Session

Get the clarity and direction you need with a 60-minute Google Ads consulting session for $300.

In this deep-dive session, you’ll receive tailored, expert guidance on your most pressing Google Ads challenges including:

  • ️ Reviewing your PPC campaigns
  • ️ Suggestions on how to update ads
  • ️ How to set up an effective campaign
  • ️ Steps to refining keywords & searches
  • ️ Recommendations on managing ads
  • ️ How to set up conversion tracking
  • ️ And much, much more

Book one or more sessions and request a recording of the session. Sessions are on Zoom or Google Meets.

ppc consultant hourly rate

Mike is a Google Ads specialist with over 15 years’ experience.

Book Mike 60-Minute Google Ads Consulting Session $300


  • Hi, Mike Ncube is a leading digital marketing consultant who blogs about the best and latest digital insights. He writes about topics such as Google Ads, digital strategy, LinkedIn Ads, Email, SEO, Google Analytics and more. Reach out to him if you have any questions and subscribe to his blog to start learning.

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